Create A Release


Currently Supports Gitlab & Bitbucket


Releases provide long-term storage of pipeline artifacts.  Releases are triggered when you tag a commit in git which triggers a pipeline job to store the Release artifacts in your CI/CD system (e.g. Bitbucket).


  1. Identify the commit you would like to release.
  2. Manually tag the commit with the pattern "production-X.X.XX", "dev-X.X.XX", or "HIL-XXXX" (e.g. “production-2.3.10”).
    1. You can create the tag locally (and push) or use your CI/CD system (e.g. Bitbucket Repository tags or Gitlab tags).
  3. Wait for the CI/CD system to build the pipeline and store the Release.
    1. For Gitlab CI/CD Pipelines, this can take about 6:30.
  4. Use the EmbedOps Releases tab to view and link to Releases stored in your CI/CD system.

Note: Releases store the artifacts saved in each job of your pipeline. Files in the /artifacts folder are saved.

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