CI/CD Configuration

In addition to changes to your source code repository, EmbedOps is integrated into your CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery) system.

During onboarding, EmbedOps integration includes configuring your CI/CD system and pipeline.

Permissions for connecting a repository in EmbedOps

OAuth is used to connect with your repository (e.g. for Bitbucket EmbedOps will configure an OAuth consumer). During EmbedOps Onboarding the user will be used to connect to your repository. stores an encrypted token for this access.

The OAuth access is used to

  • enable CI pipeline execution (depending on your CI/CD system)
  • configure your repository variables (i.e. environment variables)
  • update the embedops-project-setup branch with pipeline changes - these changes will be manually reviewed and integrated

Since OAuth access is used to configure repository variables needs Admin access to your repository.

Access to EmbedOps Docker Registry

Both locally and on your CI/CD system build jobs are executed in a Docker image.  The Docker images are hosted by the EmbedOps Registry.

Access to

Results and metadata from CI execution are sent to your Organization for reporting.

  • The CI/CD system EMBEDOPS_API_REPO_KEY variable is set and then used to send CI pipeline execution data to your Organization.
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